The Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association, Sitka, Ouzinkie, Wainwright, Dillingham & Aleknagik will work with experts to improve energy resilience

Technical assistance is an important component of creating energy resilience in rural communities. A team from REAP and the University of Alaska will faciliate the delivery of technical assistance that addresses:

  • Grid design for communities with renewable energy generation
  • Design of a hybrid diesel-electric propulsion system for fishing vessels
  • Modeling of a hydroelectric system with an aging distribution grid
  • Retrofit of a Net Zero Energy designed building nearly 280 miles north of the Arctic Circle
  • Economic Impact Analysis for a hydroelectric plant with beneficial electrification
How Will it All Work?

A team from REAP and the University of Alaska will work with subject matter experts from the US National Research Laboratories to find technical solutions to entrenched problems. Throughout the process, REAP will work alongside communities to identify potential solutions for challenges ranging from beneficial electrification to the design of a Net Zero Energy child care facility north of the Arctic Circle.

How are the projects structured?

REAP staff will help the communities of Wainwright, Sitka, Dillingham & Aleknagik explore energy resiliency options by guiding them through technology options (battery storage, microgrids, renewable power generation), convening expert stakeholders, and providing project management for technical assistance.

Staff from the University of Alaska will work with stakeholders from the Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association, Ouzinkie, and Sitka to assist in meeting their energy and resilience needs.

How are the National Laboratories involved?

To help identify and implement potential solutions, additional resources will be available to these communities through Sandia National Lab, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

What is the Time Frame for Starting Technical Assistance

Visit the Energy Technology Innovation Partnership Project website for specifics about the Department of Energy involvement in funding the program.

Expected Timeline: 

  • Community Selection Announcement: April 20, 2021
  • Project Scoping Begins: April 26- May 7, 2021
  • Scope Negotiations Complete: June/July, 2021
  • Project Work Begins: July/August, 2021
  • Period of Technical Assistance: 12–18 months from the start of technical assistance

For updates on current and future projects please follow the Alaska Rural Energy Partnership Facebook page.

ETIPP Anticipated Process

By Rob JordanApril 20th, 2021