A REAP Forum Moderated by Elizabeth Arnold
Railbelt energy challenges, the choices ahead, and policy solutions
In light of looming Cook Inlet natural gas shortfalls and several competing visions for how to meet Railbelt energy needs, it is important that we think critically about the choices ahead and align around a vision for our collective energy future.
With that in mind, REAP was thrilled to host the final installment of its 2024 Fall Energy Speaker Series in-person at the Anchorage Museum on Wednesday, November 20.
We hope you will tune in for this discussion on the role natural gas has played for decades and the role it can play going forward; the options for securing reliable, low-cost energy for Railbelt ratepayers; and the need for state policy to foster alignment around a shared vision and drive action towards achieving that low-cost energy future.
This event was free and open to the public. You can watch the full recording on REAP’s YouTube channel here. If you find value in events like these and your support REAP’s efforts to build a brighter future for all Alaskans, please consider donating to support those efforts here.

For more information, please contact REAP’s Outreach Director, Donovan Russoniello, at drussoniello@realaska.org or (907) 929-7770 ext. 2.