We will always remain passionate about what we do: providing Alaskans with the information, education, and accessibility necessary to lead a more energy-conscious life.

The investment that you make today does not benefit us alone, but rather, Alaska as a whole. If you believe in our cause, we ask that you help us in developing a cleaner, richer, and more vibrant future for our beautiful state.

Donate now

Choose how you donate.

There are multiple ways to donate. Choose to donate one-time, donate on a recurring monthly basis, or become one of our elite energy visionaries by donating $1,000 or more.

There are many other ways to make a meaningful impact

Planned Giving

Make a planned donation.

Donors can play a significant role in securing Alaska’s clean energy future through planned giving. Individuals who have made a gift to REAP through their wills or estate planning are all considered REAP Energy Visionaries – foresighted donors whose gifts extend beyond their lifetimes. Donors interested in making a planned gift may contact REAP Operations Director Greg Stiegel at 907-929-7770 x1 or gstiegel@REalaska.org.

send us an email


If you are aged 70 ½ or older it’s possible to make a tax-favored charitable gift from traditional and Roth IRA accounts. In 2015, Congress passed legislation making the charitable IRA rollover permanent. A total of up to $100,000 can be transferred directly from traditional or Roth IRAs to one of more qualified charities such as REAP free from federal income tax. Amounts given in this way count toward required IRA minimum withdrawal amounts for the year of the gift.

To make such gifts, it is important to not withdraw funds prior to a gift, but have the gift amount distributed directly from an IRA to one or more qualified charities. If you have check writing privileges on your account, this may be the most efficient way to make gifts directly from an IRA. Check with your IRA administrator or your tax adviser for more information.

In Honor Gift

Give the gift of a clean energy future.
send us an email

Give life-changing education, training, and clean energy support that helps protect our environment. You can make a tax-deductible donation to REAP in honor or in memory of someone to show how much you care, while advancing a clean energy future for Alaska. Provide the honoree contact information if you’d like us to mail or send an e-card (see sample). If preferred, we are happy to supply you with a card to print out from home.

Please note, we will provide information for your donation to be tax deductible to the extent allowed by the IRS – please seek advice from a tax professional.

Donate While You Shop

Give through Amazon Smile and Fred Meyer Rewards.
Fred Meyer Rewards Amazon Smile

Directions for Amazon Smile: Amazon will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to REAP when you shop via smile.amazon.com. You will receive the exact same prices, so we recommend saving the Amazon Smile link in your bookmarks for easy access. On your first visit to Amazon Smile you will be asked to select your charity. Use the SEARCH function and type in “Renewable Energy Alaska Project” to select REAP as your beneficiary.

Directions for Fred Meyer Rewards: Log in to your Fred Meyer account online, or create a new one to connect your rewards card with REAP. Use the search function to find and select Renewable Energy Alaska Project as your charity of choice. Every time you shop at Fred Meyer, use your Rewards card to earn donations to REAP at no extra cost to you!

Vehicle Donation

Donate your vehicle.
Donate vehicle

Donating a car, truck, or other vehicle is a great way for REAP to benefit from your unused vehicle. We will arrange easy pick up and processing. Follow the link in the button here to start your donation today. Please contact REAP Operations Director, Greg Stiegel, to inquire about this process: gstiegel@realaska.org.

Please note, we will provide information for your donation to be tax deductible to the extent allowed by the IRS – please seek advice from a tax professional.


Donate Your Birthday

Ask people to give in honor of your birthday.
Facebook Fundraiser Go Fund Me

Directions for Facebook:
To create a fundraiser for a charitable organization, click here or follow these steps:

  1. Click Fundraisers in the left menu of your News Feed.
  2. Click Raise Money.
  3. Select Nonprofit or Charity.
  4. Select a charitable organization, choose a cover photo and fill in the fundraiser details.
  5. Click Create.

Directions for Go Fund Me: Visit the GoFundMe site via the button provided here. This will take you to REAP’s homepage where you can create a new campaign, make a one time donation yourself, and share your philanthropy via Facebook.