An Earth Day Challenge – COVID-19 Edition

As the weeks go by, all of us are adjusting to how we are impacted by COVID-19 and a day like Earth Day can feel downright silly compared to everything else. What we’ve realized in the past weeks is that nothing makes us feel more connected to our global community than this pandemic. Our responsibility is not just to ourselves but to our community and the health of our global citizens. In this way, a celebration of our earth, the place we ALL call home, may be exactly what we need. After all, we are in this together. 

So get ready, we are challenging YOU to the #EarthDay2020Challenge!

Wednesday, April 22nd marks the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day and we, here at REAP, have compiled a short video of things you can do from home or outside while responsibly social distancing to celebrate this glorious planet we call home. Liberate yourself from your couch, have fun, celebrate, and do something that benefits you and the Earth! 

Step up to the #EarthDay2020Challenge with these activities: 

1. Dispose of trash and recycling properly!

Proper waste disposal is as easy as separating recyclables from landfill waste. Refer to municipal waste management guidelines if you’re unsure what goes where. And if you see some trash that’s “missed” the bin, kindly guide it to its rightful place.

2. Start a compost bin!

Whether taking the lazy approach or following a highly scientific method, composting can be an effective way to recycle all that uncooked organic matter from your quarantine cooking experiments.

3. Plant a garden!

Summer is right around the corner and now is the perfect time to start your indoor sprouting project. For an easy indoor project, plant a micro green garden that lives on a sunny windowsill.

4. Partake in human-powered transportation!

Even under quarantine, you can still go outside and get active. Take a walk, ride a bike, or venture into the mountains. Just remember to distance yourself from others recreating in the outdoors.

5. Enjoy the natural splendor around you!

Take a break from the computer screen and relocate your relaxation station to the outdoors. Your body will thank you for the fresh air.

6. Grow your energy knowledge

Dig deeper into that couch and increase your energy knowledge with some fun and educational resources.

Lastly, share your photos with us!

Don’t forget to take a picture and tell us how you are celebrating Earth Day by stepping up to the challenge! Tag us with your photos on Instagram (@reap_ak) or Facebook (@REalaska) and use the hashtag #EarthDay2020Challenge.

From all of us at REAP, have a safe and happy Earth Day 2020!