REAP Job Announcement:

Renewable Energy Alaska Project (REAP) is seeking a Microgrid Project Manager to work with remote Alaskan communities, national laboratories and other REAP partners to help rural Alaskan communities transition to more resilient energy systems that include more renewable energy and energy efficiency. The Microgrid Project Manager’s work is part of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Transitions Initiative Partnership Project (ETIPP) program.

Location: Anchorage, Alaska, with occasional travel across Alaska. The Microgrid Project Manager will have the opportunity to work from home in the greater Anchorage area, with occasional in-person meetings and travel, as required. Full-time office space is available in REAP’s office in The Boardroom at Denali Tower in Midtown Anchorage.

Responsible to: The Microgrid Project Manager reports to REAP’s Deputy Director and will work closely with REAP’s other Microgrid Project Manager. He or she will also work closely with other REAP staff and contractors, as well as REAP and ETIPP partners across the country.

Background: Renewable Energy Alaska Project (REAP) is the only non-profit in Alaska with a statewide focus on energy efficiency and renewable energy education and advocacy. Based in Anchorage, REAP is a coalition of over 60 electric utilities, businesses, clean energy developers, conservation groups, Alaska Native organizations, educational institutions and local governments. Since its founding in 2004, REAP has worked to educate policy makers and the public through collaborative outreach, presentations, conferences, public forums, earned media, in-person meetings and other events.

The Energy Transitions Initiative (ETI), is a project led by the United States Department of Energy (DOE). Through the ETI, DOE and its partners work with government entities and other stakeholders to advance self-reliant island and remote communities through the development of resilient energy systems. To support energy resilience in island and remote communities, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is administering the Energy Transitions Initiative Partnership Project (ETIPP) program, which aims to more broadly implement the ETI framework by working alongside community-based organizations pursuing efforts to address energy challenges, ensuring end-users have the skills and tools to make the decisions that are best for them, and accelerating the sharing of innovations across technologies and sectors between similarly-situated regions. REAP is one of the community-based organizations across the United States that was selected by NREL to be an ETIPP regional partner. The Microgrid Project Manager’s work is part of ETIPP.

Key Responsibilities Include:

  • Coordinate and execute community engagement, education, and outreach.
  • Serve as a resource for knowledge and expertise around culture, energy challenges and opportunities, relevant stakeholders and networks, economics, and other regional characteristics.
  • Assist communities and NREL in the program application, selection, and onboarding processes.
  • Perform basic energy planning efforts.
  • Serve as a liaison and community advocate between national lab technical staff and community representatives to aid in the scoping and implementation of specific technical assistance projects.
  • Facilitate the formation and progress of regional and national knowledge-sharing networks.
  • Collaborate with NREL and REAP staff to effectively lead state-wide program administration.
  • Foster and maintain strong working relationships with selected communities to effectively offboard and follow up on technical assistance.

Minimum Qualifications:

We encourage anyone who is interested in this opportunity to apply. We seek dedicated people who believe they have the skills and ambition to succeed at REAP to apply for this role. Ideal candidates should demonstrate an interest in climate and energy, an ability to think critically about energy issues, and a desire to learn about Alaska’s energy ecosystem.

  • Five years of experience in a relevant field
  • Ability to co-manage a program including effective record keeping, organization skills, attention to details, and critical thinking
  • Proven experience working with Indigenous and/or rural communities
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Ability to engage and collaborate with individuals and groups from diverse backgrounds
  • Strong interpersonal communications and relationship-building skills
  • Demonstrated ability to manage several complex (multi-modal) projects, including budget oversight, completion of assigned deliverables, and coordination of professionals and partners across various disciplines
  • Self-motivated, team-oriented and excited to travel to rural communities
  • Proficiency in standard office IT (Microsoft, Adobe, Google, Mac, Dropbox, etc.)

Additional Preferred Experience:

We highly value candidates with knowledge of microgrids, isolated power systems, and rural utility operations. Ideal candidates will possess one or more of the following qualifications:

  • Previous experience with technical assistance opportunities
  • Experience facilitating workshops and meetings
  • Prior experience working, living, or traveling in rural Alaska or equivalent cross-cultural environments
  • Proven ability to work within a network of organizations with varying goals and practices and building collaborative partnerships
  • Demonstrated leadership and ability to work effectively with and through others in a decentralized and geographically dispersed organization
  • Knowledge of Alaskan energy institutions,infrastructure, and funding mechanisms
  • Experience working with non-profits
  • Knowledge of microgrid technologies and operations, including distributed energy resources, grid integration, control systems, grid management, energy distribution, and infrastructure development in rural or remote communities
  • Hands-on experience with energy projects in rural or isolated areas, particularly in Alaska or similar regions
  • Knowledge of regulatory frameworks and policies relevant to renewable energy and rural utility operations in Alaska

Working Conditions: At times, the Microgrid Project Manager may work in remote locations in variable weather conditions on difficult terrain, and under physically demanding circumstances. This position will require travel by jet and small plane.

Compensation: This is a permanent full-time position. $65,000-$75,000 +, depending on experience and qualifications. Includes paid personal leave and holidays, generous retirement benefits and optional access to a health care reimbursement arrangement, as well as personal communication expense reimbursement and continuing education budget.

Application Process: Incomplete applications will not be considered. Please email the following five items to Greg Stiegel at

  1. cover letter
  2. résumé
  3. at least one letter of recommendation
  4. 2-4 additional references
  5. writing sample

Application Deadline: Applications for this position will be accepted until 5:00 pm, AKDT on Friday, September 6, 2024. REAP is looking for applicants who can start on or around September 30, 2024.

Interested applicants can access a PDF version of this job announcement on REAP’s resource library here.

By Donovan RussonielloAugust 16th, 2024