Railbelt / Renewable Energy / Solar
Five Things to Know about the Solar in Prop 1
Residents of the Municipality of Anchorage (MOA) have already started voting for the next mayor, some are voting for school board seat,...
Railbelt / Renewable Energy / Solar
Residents of the Municipality of Anchorage (MOA) have already started voting for the next mayor, some are voting for school board seat,...
REAP, in collaboration with Alaska Center for Energy and Power (ACEP), National Labs and other partners, is offering technical assistance...
Alaska Specific / Renewable Energy / Rural Alaska
Technical assistance is an important component of creating energy resilience in rural communities. Yet, the term “technical...
Alaska Specific / Renewable Energy
Located 90 miles from the nearest power grid, Camp Denali has harnessed the benefits of renewable energy for most of its history. From...
Alaska Specific / Curriculum / Energy Education / Renewable Energy / Training
It’s safe to say that most people want their work to make a difference. That is certainly true for the STEM education team at the...
Installing LED lightbulbs is possibly the easiest and most cost-effective way to reduce your electricity bills. LED, or light-emitting...
1. Similar purchase price. I bought a used 2017 Chevrolet Bolt in Anchorage for $23,800 which is not that much more than a similar used...
Energy Education / Renewable Energy
Earlier this summer, REAP’s Education Director Colleen Fisk worked with Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program (ANSEP) to...
Alaska Specific / Energy Policy / Renewable Energy / Video
REAP Operations Director, Greg Stiegel, sat down with REAP Executive Director, Chris Rose, to take a closer look at the electric grid...
Alaska Specific / Renewable Energy
In June, Kake took one giant step toward energy independence with the delivery of the final engineering plans and financial analysis for...
ANEEE / Curriculum / Energy Education
The world’s collective imagination is now profoundly concentrated on the most essential of activities, education at the forefront. The...
From towering totems to giant 60 foot cedar canoes to the architecturally elegant clan houses to the crackling fires inside them, perhaps...