Events / Alaska Specific / Energy Efficiency / Finance / Presentation

[2024 Fall Energy Speaker Series] Knowledge is Power: Clean Energy Education for Alaska’s Youth

October 23, 2024Zoom

This understanding informs our Energy Education work and underscores the importance of promoting the various clean energy educational opportunities available across the state. That is why we are thrilled for the second installment in REAP’s 2024 Fall Energy Speaker Series...

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Posts / Energy Efficiency / Energy Policy / Finance / Finance / Renewable Energy

Clean Energy Funding for Alaskan Homes & Businesses

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) introduced and expanded tax credits for clean energy technologies including game-changing new provisions that enable tax-exempt and governmental entities—such as states, local governments, Tribes, territories, and nonprofits—to take an...

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People, Policy, & Finance / Energy Efficiency / Energy Policy / Finance / Legislation / Railbelt

How to Save Money and Reduce Energy Use: A Guide For Alaskan Homeowners

The Inflation Reduction Act is the most ambitious energy and climate policy ever passed by Congress. It is estimated that its provisions will drive investment of $369 billion into clean energy and climate priorities. This investment comes in several different forms including...

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