Energy Education / ETIPP / Renewable Energy / Rural Alaska
2023 Southeast Alaska Renewable Energy Camp
Gunalcheesh for Wooch.een. (Thank You for Working Together!)
Energy Education / ETIPP / Renewable Energy / Rural Alaska
Gunalcheesh for Wooch.een. (Thank You for Working Together!)
Energy Education / ETIPP / Renewable Energy / Rural Alaska
Charting a Brighter Energy Future The trip to McGrath showcased the power of education in the realm of renewable energy and...
Energy Education / Renewable Energy / Rural Alaska
Two teams from Gambell participated in the 2023 Clean Energy Olympics, the statewide wind turbine design competition hosted by REAP....
ANEEE / Rural Alaska / Workforce
Thousands of Alaskans living in remote and rural areas rely on stand-alone utilities to fill their communities’ energy needs. Ensuring...
The Alaska Network for Energy Education and Employment builds capacity for clean energy initiatives and connects energy stakeholders...
Alaska Specific / Curriculum / Energy Education / Renewable Energy
The 2023 Clean Energy Olympics was once again a hybrid event. Five teams competed in-person on April 1st at Palmer High School and...
On Monday, April 24th, 2023, the Renewable Energy Alaska Project Board of Directors voted to endorse C.O. Rudstrom, Jim Levine, and...
On Monday, April 24th, 2023, the Renewable Energy Alaska Project Board of Directors voted to endorse Shaina Kilcoyne, Susanne...
Winners have been selected for the tenth annual Power Pledge Challenge! Lisa Curtis’s 3rd/4th grade class at Talkeetna Elementary...
Energy Education / Renewable Energy
The Clean Energy Olympics (CEO) is a design competition that engages students in the engineering process through the lens of wind energy....
Building Science / Energy Efficiency / ETIPP / Renewable Energy / Video
Nestled in Southeast Alaska, the island community of Sitka is spearheading renewable energy innovations to preserve the island’s...
This fall REAP is offering several teacher trainings all about clean energy. A large part of the work that REAP’s educators do is...